Our Employability

Safety, employee motivation, belonging and developing our people for the purpose of staying relevant in the workplace are important internal focus areas in Elopak. In addition, we have a strong focus on ethical behavior both internally and towards external stakeholders. People in Elopak promote a culture of openness, respect and tolerance. We encourage our people to share knowledge, ask questions and influence the decisions for their scope of responsibility. The aim is to lead every employee to master their goals.

Elopak respects all applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry standards concerning working hours, minimum wages and rules related to the working environment in line with the human rights as defined by the United Nations. Employees in Europe are organized in the European Works Council, in addition to local Works Councils and are involved in any major management decision in Elopak. 28% of our workforce are covered by local collective bargaining agreements.

Elopak’s focus on employability is maintained through various policies and procedures as well as management training. The whistleblowing channel is another element safeguarding the well-being of our employees. The importance of this area is confirmed by our stakeholders who confirm the importance of labor and human rights as well as worker’s well-being.


We are dependent on dedicated and highly motivated people to reach out ambitious goals. Thus, we are committed to enhancing our performance culture and the development of our people through priorities, targets and dialogue. Our competence & development platform EloPeople provides our leaders and employees with a tool to support the documentation and follow-up in an efficient and structured way, ensuring focus on key priorities and development initiatives. The platform also gives us the possibility to track training, ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct & Anti-Corruption Policy, GDPR, IT Security, and with hygiene and safety requirements, as well as other relevant training courses.

We do however, also have areas where we can improve. An important part of performance and development process is seeking and giving feedback, here we need to focus going forward. The utilization of our performance and development tool MyPDP, that has been implemented throughout the entire Elopak Group, is too low. In 2020, 2039 employees had the tool available, however only 439 (22%) utilized the system to document the dialogues. MyPDP is intended to support the communication between employees and managers, to ensure we are moving in the same direction, improving our way of working, developing our selves and achieving our goals and securing the success of our company.

We will continue to focus on the importance of developing our employees, setting achievable and motivating goals and providing feedback in order to learn and improve.

Connecting people and systems

A digital roll-out of Teams application was performed within few weeks to enable people to stay connected and avoid travelling throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Elopak also launched a new cloud-based intranet enabling all employees to access news and information even without access to own PC.

To boost employee’s awareness and commitment within sustainability, Elopak organized a sustainability challenge in 2020. Due to COVID-19 the challenge was performed virtually, however, more than 150 sustainability ideas were raised by Elopak’s employees.

Elopak also performed a group-wide pulse survey in order to check that our people felt connected with the organization and our strategic goals. Most scores were close to or above 4 in a 1-5 scale. The results have been commented and followed-up on a local level in cooperation with local HR.

Elopak has worked out guidelines and country reports for complying with the European Posted Workers Directive reflecting the employer’s obligation and conducted training sessions for relevant people in the organization.

Training and education

Totally, more than 5 300 course completions were registered just in our system in 2020, which does not necessarily reflect employee participation in conferences, webinars, and informal internal training. The catalogue includes over 138 different courses or topics. 1 700 (80%) employees have received one or more trainings. On average, each employee completed 2,6 hours of training. If production is excluded, the number is 4,3.

Not all training conducted in local units and webinars are registered in our global systems yet, and we expect the actual number to be significantly higher. In addition, we have implemented some nano-learning courses for topics such as IT security, GDPR and internal systems. These do not add up to many hours, however, in a busy schedule, a short training session per email is a very efficient way to secure competence development. Elopak will continue the efforts to streamline the register of all trainings in the same platform in order to track and monitor training as well as mapping needs for competence development in all areas of our business.


Creating a common language – Situational Leadership

Leaders in Elopak are committed to enhance our performance culture and to lead people to success through a common language of leadership and tools for both leaders and employees. We are training our leaders in setting targets, giving feedback and leading people to success through the Situational Leadership program, our concept for people management training. In 2020 Elopak continued to train line managers in the program, but the training sessions have unfortunately been delayed in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

We will continue this training throughout 2021 based on digital training reflecting the Covid-19 situation.


Sustainability Challenge reaps over 150 ideas

During November and December 2020, we had a group-wide virtual sustainability challenge, motivating all people in all parts of the organization to bring forward ideas to make Elopak an even more sustainable company. More than 150 ideas were submitted.

Read more


Employee satisfaction

In autumn 2020, Elopak asked all employees to participate in an organizational Pulse Survey. One of the intentions of the group-wide survey was to measure how our staff felt about their workplace

The results showed that many employees are engaged in making Elopak an even better place to work. It also revealed that most people are clear about what is expected of them and felt empowered to influence their working tasks. Most of our employees reported that they feel part of the Elopak-family. Such feelings of belonging have been especially strong during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has made teamwork more challenging. Many teams were divided by working from home and the restrictions in their workplace environments.

Despite such challenges, the survey indicated that Elopak employees are overall satisfied and motivated both in their roles and for the overall success and strategic goals of our business.